On 9 January 2024, the European Commission published two calls for contributions on competition in virtual worlds and generative artificial intelligence in order to gather specific information and views from stakeholders.
First of all, the AEDC welcomes the initiative launched by the European Commission and the willingness to engage, as competition law enforcer, in a forward-looking analysis and discussion of technology and market trends to identify competition issues that may arise, in particular, in Virtual Worlds.
This document conveys the views of competition practitioners of the Asociación Española para la Defensa de la Competencia – AEDC on the topic of Virtual Worlds. Following the indications in the Call, the AEDC’s views on generative AI systems are filed separately. The views and comments below do not necessarily represent the opinion of all the members of the Association.
These comments have been drafted – in alphabetical order – by Daniel Escoda, Raquel Fernández, Enrique Ferrer, José Manuel Sipos and Ainhoa Veiga